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Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Tips & Trik Castle Clash Part 1

Hero adalah pasukan terkuat yang memiliki skill spesial. Hero jauh lebih kuat jika dibandingkan dengan pasukan biasa. Yah bisa dibilang mereka adalah panglimanya.
Saat ini jumlah maksimal hero yang dapat diturunkan ke medan perang adalah 6 hero sekaligus diwaktu yang bersamaan, Ini berlaku disemua ajang (Arena, Dungeon, Raids, HBM, Heroes Trial, Dan Expedition).
Walaupun jumlahnya hanya sedikit, tapi kemampuan hero tidak dapat diragukan lagi karena dengan 6 Hero pun sudah mampu menumpas ratusan pasukan biasa.

Hero dibagi menjadi 4 class:
- Legendary Heroes : Paladin, Champion, Succubus, Druid, Ninja, Thunder God, Atlanticore, Grizzly Reaper, Immortep, Spirit Mage, Minotaur Chieftain, Pumpkin Duke, Snowzilla, Cupid dan Moltanica.
- Elite Heroes : Executioner, Assasin, Warewolf, Cyclops, Shaman, Pain-Da, Serpent Queen, Ice Demon dan Triton.
- Ordinary Heroes : Angel, Marrauder, Hill Giant, Engineer, Frost Witch, Dryad, Alchemist, dan Marksman.
- Sacrifice : Slime, Cristal Ooze, dan Gelatinous Champion.

Cara Mendapatkan Hero
Kalian bisa mendapatkan hero dengan menghire mereka pada heroes altar.
Ada 3 cara yang bisa kalian gunakan:
- Hire menggunakan gems.
- Hire menggunakan Honor Badges.
- Dan Hire menggunakan Shard.

Hire Menggunakan Gems
Hasil yang didapat dari roll gems adalah random. Jadi kalian tidak akan tau dan tidak dapat memastikan hero yang akan didapat. Dan kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan hero yang sama dengan yang sudah kalian miliki.
Saat akan menghire hero akan muncul 2 opsi yang bisa kalian pilih.
Opsi pertama 150 gems/roll untuk 1 hero dan opsi kedua 450 gems/roll untuk 3 hero.
Kemungkinan hero yang didapat dari roll gems:
- 65% Elite Hero
- 15% Crystal Ooze
- 10% Gelatinous Champion
- 5% Ordinary Hero
- 5% Legendary Hero

Sangat direkomendasikan buat hire dengan gems, karena jika beruntung kalian bakal dapet hero legend.

Hire Dengan Honor Badges
Hero yang didapat dari cara ini juga random, sama seperti hire dengan gems.
Pertama kali hire hero membutuhkan 500 HB dan akan terus meningkat setiap kali kalian hire dihari yang sama. Dan akan kembali lagi 500 HB setelah refresh server (sekitar jam 12 siang, wib).
Berikut ini honor badges yang dibutuhkan untuk hire hero dihari yang sama:
1x 500 HB, 2x 600 HB, 3x 700 HB dan setiap hire akan meningkat 100 HB sampai hire ke 10.
11x 1500 HB, 12x 2000 HB, 2500 HB, dan setiap hire akan meningkat 500 HB hingga hire ke 20.
21x 6000 HB, 22x 7000 HB, 23x 8000 HB dan setiap hire akan meningkat 1000 HB.
Kemungkinan besar hero yang bakal didapat adalah slime dan ordinary hero. Untuk hero elite kemungkinannya sangat kecil, dan hero legend hampir mustahil untuk didapatkan dari sini.
* Jika ingin mencoba hire dengan honor badges sebaiknya lakukan 2 atau 3 kali saja dalam sehari, dan coba lagi dihari berikutnya. Cara ini bertujuan untuk menghindari pemborosan honor badges.

My Guild

Base Designs

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Base designs
Here is the list of some base designs. Base designs are primarily build to beat HBM. There are too many variables that have influence on which HBM wave you can beat, therefore are concepts sorted by Town Hall level.


The rules of attacking troops and heroes are fairly simple. Choose the nearest target, travel until it is in range, attack until it is destroyed. For destructive troops, the nearest target is the nearest tower if there is one. Attackers targeting a regular building, not a tower, will pause to counter attack then return to the same building.
The first basic principle of base design is ensuring that "choose the nearest target" is not a hero. Surround heroes by other buildings that will be targeted. Choose buildings with high HP.  Towers are designed for this, and arrow towers have the highest HP.
The second basic principle of base design is using walls against ground attackers to make "travel until the target is in range" involve walking farther distances and through more damage. Flying units ignore walls and cannot be influenced. These bases all have openings in the walls, so the defender chooses where the attacker enters.  Imagine the barbican of a castle.  The castle wall has an opening, but the opening is heavily protected.
To prevent ranged attackers from shooting over walls, have at least 3 squares between the outer wall and any inner building. The inner squares will often have additional walls, flowers, or be empty.
To prevent walls from being attacked, increase the thickness of the wall the farther it is from an entrance. The level or damage of the attacker, the level of the wall, and the total distance to the target all affects the decision to go through or around a wall. A rough guideline is to increase the thickness by one for every 6 squares traveled.

TH level 8-11

Design Concept: Peon Clover
HBM wave: A
Peon clover
Credit: DirtyDistaggio(GodFuzzy)
No towers.
Heroes' levels:20-70
Description: It's a DeathClover modified base,where the vaults tank for you,and you have no towers due to the low might. It's very good if you want an account with very low might.

TH level 9

Design Concept: Small Deathbox

Small Deathbox
HBM wave: A
Credit: White Knight
Tower levels: 5 - 7
Heroes: Levels 20-40
Description: Monsters walk around the walls allowing all heroes and towers to target them simultaneously. Provides some raid protection of vaults as well as being good for HBM.

TH level 13

Design Concept: Maze

Screenshot 2014-05-24-12-56-30

HBM wave: C
Credit: IGG Forums
Tower levels: 5 - 7
Heroes: Levels 60-100
Description: Monsters walk around in the maze giving your heroes and towers enough time to take them out before they reach their your towers.

Design Concept: Modified Deathbox

HBM Wave : D - E
Tower levels:5-7.
Heroes: 60-92. 
Description: Tower based design. Monsters target your towers while your heroes take them out.
Towers can be interchanged with mana/gold vaults if your towers are low levels
Two ranged heroes required, preferrably Engineer and Druid at the edges closest to the towers
Note: Monsters break through the walls on the east and wide a lot. Not recommended.

Design Concept: Modified Clover

HBM wave: C 
Beating C
Beating C
Credit: IGG Forums
Tower levels: 5 - 7
Heroes: Levels 80-100
Description: 4 entrances help spread monsters and reduces the number that can aggro on your heroes at a given time. Buildings outside the wall are arranged in such a way that the monsters cannot complete path around your walls. Monsters make an L shaped/ V shaped path from one entrance to the next.

Design Concept: Modified Diamond/Maze

HBM wave: B
Credit: Drsabadash
Tower Levels: 2-4 (upgraded)
Heroes: 60-80 (60+ Druid necessary, others can be elite)
Description: Mix between 2 entrance diamond and a Maze layout. 4 corner spawns will be re-directed to top openings, placed in a way where some of the group will begin the maze as the rest continue around the base being taken out by towers. Minimum requirements are 20x lvl 9 walls (inner maze walls) and the rest lvl 8. 3 lvl 4 arrow towers able to complete wave B, just re-arrange so highest lvl vault is in the gap where the bottom tower is. Lower part of the base should be 2-3 walls thick (2 if one layer is lvl 9) to avoid south spawns from just breaking through bottom of base. Reliably completes wave B 95% of the time. all lvl 9 walls and lvl 80 heroes should complete HBM-C.

TH level 15

Design Concept: Modified Diamond

HBM wave: F
Modified Diamond
Credit: 柯里昂

Tower levels: Arrow levels 7-8
Garrisons: Yes
Heroes: TG & Druid lvl 100. Engineer 80, Champ level 90+ and AC (Succubus ) level 80+ or a  level 60 Ninja
Description:This setup is tower based, your heroes must be capable of taking out all the enemies while they focus on the towers. Thunder god , Engineer and Atlanticore at 4/9 skill. Putting vaults or any other building inside your walls is counterproductive and will lead to failure. This is because enemies will target towers until they are destroyed but for other buildings your heroes can be targetted before the building is destroyed and the monsters will break through your wall to get to the buildings.. It is possible to beat  D using two cannon towers with this setup. This setup is vulnerable to raids. Placing two buildings or decorations at the tips can resolve this. For Here Be Monsters the buildings have to be removed. Decorations can stay.
Note: Putting a very low HP building at the tip can be a good strategy as it would be destroyed by wave 3 by Griffins. Its a risky strategy as non flying ranged heroes and troops( Serpent Queen and Centaurs) will try breaking through your walls. Its also risky if it lasts past wave 3 as it can be targetted by the Dino and destroyed instantly and your heroes will not survive.

TH level 16

Design Concept: Modified Clover

Screenshot 2014-05-27-21-22-55
HBM wave: D-F
Credit: oonisk
Tower levels: 5-7
Heroes:  Description: Beginning with Wave D, your base will be swarmed by packs of Griffins. As they completely fly over walls, you will need to have a base design that immediately attracts their attention toward buildings, while your towers and heroes kill them off. If you have been using Cannon Towers, which are great for A through C, you will need to exchange them for Arrow Towers , as the former are completely useless against flying troops. It is recommended that you keep at least one Cannon Tower to deal with the large amount of ground troops that can overwhlem other towers..
This base design is highly effective in drawing troops into the base and having them circle around the paths towards their target building, while heroes and towers pick off the invaders. Out of 100+ completed HBM runs, there are only rare instances losing due to a time out. (This may happen in D, but far less often in E and F.) 

TH level 17

Design Concept: Fighting L's

398917603711418Screenshot 2014-05-20-12-10-37
HBM wave: E & F
Credit: BalisticRain
Tower levels: Green and Pink garrisons in arrow towers to take out heroes quickly, Blue and Purple garrison in Cannon tower to maximize damage to ground units.
Heroes: 80-120
Description: Design focuses fire to single units to bring down enemies as quick as possible. Enemies run around the perimeter through wave E4 and reaches the center by E5 and die quickly afterwards. 

Design Concept: Death Box

TH17 HBM Death Box
HBM wave: H
Tower: No need.
Hero Base: Level 14-15
Heroes: 8 star (150+ is recommended), 5/9 and 6/9, Thunder God, Immortep, Reaper and Druid are a must have.
  • From HBM H, the appearance of Ornithopters make towers much more fragile than ever. Ornithopters can wipe out a high level tower in one second so placing high HP buildings (Heroes Altar and Guild Hall) in the inside corner instead of towers help avoid enemies changing aggro when a target is taken down.
  • Don't place the inside corner buildings too far away from Hero Base. That would sometimes make Fairy Dragons get stuck at a building until the timer dies.
  • The hardest part of HBM H is not the Dino but instead the Fairy Dragons in the fifth wave. Those Fairy Dragons coming at a number of approximately 40 units can kill a hero in two seconds. Keeping Immortep in a safe place is very important because his proc can solve the problem of massive dragons. Immortep is recommended to be placed next to a Heroes Altar or Guild Hall in the corner, not in the center to avoid Ninja's proc.

TH level 18-19

Design Concept: Modified and enlarged Deathbox

HBM wave: I
Credit: YouTube contributors
Tower Levels: L10 Arrow Towers with garrisons of your choice depending on your needs.
  • Purple garrisons are not recommended since enemy heroes have such high hit points towers will have little affect on them.
  • Green garrisons are not recommended since they prioritize targeting to heroes and that will not help you in high levels.
  • Blue garrisons are probably the best choice since they raise the hit points of the towers substantially at high levels.  Your towers and other buildings are in your center base for one purpose - distracting enemy heroes and soaking up damage.  High hit points equals survival.
Heroes: 140-160 depending on lineup.  Druid/TG/PD are mandatory and ranged/AOE with high hit points are recommended in addition to these.
Description: Base design focuses on control of enemy hero multi-targeting.  This includes SM and TG and is accomplished using the "4 corner" design and placing Guardian troops in all Barracks.  This increases the chance enemy heroes will not target your heroes dramatically.  As in wave H, you must protect your towers from the Ornithopters and increase their pathing time by placing them closer to the center of your base.  Use your highest hit point buildings on the outside center of your base.  Hero base levels should be 18 plus depending on your hero level.  If using TH 18 the zig-zag entry on each side of the death box is optional.  I recommend bomb placement around both entrances.
Note: This base has a weakness that the inside corner buildings are too far from Hero Bases. This results in SM attacking the corner buildings without anyone killing her, makes SM procs continuously until the whole base is destroyed.

Design Concept: TH19 Modified Deathbox

TH 18 HBM I J Death Box 2
HBM wave: Farm I, beat J
Tower: Level 8+, full garrison will be easier to farm both.
Hero Base: Level 17+
Heroes: Level 155+ (9 star is recommended). Ranger heroes must be placed at the corners.
  • Full garrison: Only needs a f2p team. Druid, Thunder God, Reaper and Immortep are required.
  • No garrison: Needs strong gem-only heroes like Pumpkin Duke, Cupid, Minotaur, Aries or Vlad Dracula.
Description: HBM I and J must have four corner Army Camps with 20-25 Guardians each.
  • HBM I and J have Spirit Mage and Thunder God (global procing heroes). Have Guardians in Army Camps to take Spirit Mage's proc, that will keep Heroes safe. Thunder God will only proc about once before reaching the inside buildings and that's not enough to kill all Heroes.
  • Spirit Mage will most likely to target the inside corner base so having level 17 Hero Base (max range) and ranger heroes at the corner will help you kill Spirit Mage before she procs. Note that if Hero Base is under level 17, it will not have enough range to reach Spirit Mage.
  • Center heroes will most likely to take Ninja's aggro so it's highly recommended that a high HP or Revive hero should be placed in the center.

Design Concept: TH19 Coleoptera

HBM TH19 Coleoptera
HBM wave: Farm I, J
Tower: Level 9+
Hero Base: Level 17+
Heroes: 9 star, high skill level (6+, 7 is recommended). Need at least cupid or PD to farm easily.
Description: Longer path compared to Death box. Placing Town Hall outside the walls to avoid enemy Thunder God procing on heroes.
Credit to Nathan Blezek.

Design Concept: TH19 Modified Coleoptera

HBM TH19 Modified Coleoptera
Same requirements as Original Coleoptera.
Description: Change the south entrance to be zig zag shape. Move the top buildings to be seperate and closer to the Town Hall.
Explanation: Seperate top buildings apart to avoid Thunder God procing too many times when Town Hall is accidentally destroyed. Moving them closer to Town Hall to avoid enemies changing their direction when destroying top buildings (leaving enemy Thunder God alone hitting buildings while Town Hall is already destroyed).

Recommended Heroes For Free to Play

Here are the lists of possible Heroes which Free to Play players may use on Here Be Monsters.
Druid Icon

Druid - His ability and strength is a mark-up choice in HBM. He acts as a one man army but very useful since he heals and attacks at the same time even and during the game play. Probably one of the best Hero to use in HBM. Druid should be placed at the center, and one ranged hero paired with a melee hero..
Immortep Icon

Immortep - One of the best hero you can come up with. His skills and added talents can clear up attacking troops from A-J depending upon his levels.

Thunder God Icon

Thunder god - one of the best AoE and multiple target hero in HBM. He is one of the key player, the other one is Druid and Immortep. With his multiple Target attacks he can manage to wipe out troops on every waves.

Paladin Icon

Paladin - Because of his high hitpoints that makes him second invincible blocker of the game. Able to hold attacking troops and monsters.   

Pain-Da Icon

Pain-da - His procs prove him almost same with Immortep giving an area of attack a best play in HBM. 

Cyclops Icon

Cyclops - He has decent damage and with his skill he can take out many enemies at once

Serpent Queen Icon

Serpent Queen - Although her skill damage isn't very high, she can be very useful in the early hbm challenges, where tier1 or tier2 troops attack

Engineer Icon

Engineer - out from Ordinary Hero List He is one of the best Heroes proven useful in Raids and HBM. His capability upon HBM has been proven to be powerful in regards with multiple target attacks.

Marksman Icon

Marksman - is more useful than a level 80 Succubus in Here Be Monsters. She is one of the second Ordinary Hero that proven to be in par with Legendary.

The difference between almost completing and completing a Here Be Monsters letter could be the addition of a mutiple target skill hero.


Experience is earned by destroying buildings in Raids and Dungeons, or as a reward for successfully defending a wave in the Here Be Monsters challenge. Higher level buildings offer more Experience. Defeating enemy troops or Heroes doesn't give any Experience, as well as participating in Arena battles or Boss fights. Any Experience gained goes to your Heroes, troops do not gain nor take experience.
Every Hero participating in the battle (including heroes in a Garrison during HBM) receives experience.
The amount of experience earned is divided by the amount of Heroes that were participating*(see below), so that every Hero gets the same experience, regardless if the Hero already reached max level or not. If a Hero is already at max level, the experience is taken, but not gained; it is essentially wasted on that particular Hero.
Example: Exp earned: 1000
Amount of Heroes: 5
Hero Level Exp distributed Exp gained
Angel 50 200 200
Marauder 58 200 200
Marksman 55 200 200
Frost Witch 60 (max) 200 0
Executioner 60 (max) 200 0
Total 1000 600
So if you're trying to level your heroes, you should consider leaving level capped heroes in the Hero Altar, so your other heroes get more experience.
The first hero placed during a dungeon or raid gets the remainder of experience. For example, if 5 heroes get 14 xp, each hero gets 2 xp and the first hero placed get the remaining 4 xp for a total of 6.
It should also be noted that Participating Heroes includes any Heroes you have garrisoned in towers also enter into the calculation for the experience split. So the number of Heroes splitting the experience may may well above 5 (for example, if you have 2 cannon towers with 3 Heroes in each, the 1000 experience in the example would be 1000 / 11 or 100 for the first and 90 for the rest).

Hero Exp Books

Earn EXP
Hero Exp Books are basically containers for experience. They are used to transfer experience to your Heroes in the Heroes Altar using the Earn EXP button (Tactics Academy). It works similar to consuming heroes. There are 3 types of books, each contains different amount of experience.
Book Exp Book 1 Exp Book 2 Exp Book 3
Experience 1000 Exp 5000 Exp 20000 Exp

Until now there have been three ways to get Hero Exp Books: Complete a set of Quest Board, buy directly in the Warehouse with Merits Merit.png and open Mesa Chest won from Team Dungeons.

Quest Board

  • Experience Books Exp Book 1 Exp Book 2 Exp Book 3 are all random and unstable when they come to rewards in Quest Board. The game can neither specify nor directly point out how many books or how much you can gain in one quest set completion but there is one sure which is 90% guaranteed upon it.

Might Exp books Quantity
4k-7k some Exp Book 1 & few Exp Book 2 random
8k-14k few Exp Book 1 & added more Exp Book 2 random
15k few Exp Book 1, few Exp Book 2 & 2 Exp Book 3 2 purple & random
green & blue
16k few Exp Book 2 & 3 Exp Book 3 3 purple & few random blue
with random green as bonus
17k few Exp Book 2 & 4 Exp Book 3 4 purple & few random blue 
with random green as bonus
18k few Exp Book 2 & 5 Exp Book 3 5 purple & few random blue 
with random green as bonus
19k few Exp Book 2 & 6 Exp Book 3 6 purple & few random blue 
with random green as bonus
20k few Exp Book 2 & 7 Exp Book 3 7 purple & few random blue 
with random green as bonus

Might Might.png - from 21k up and so on might - more on purple books Exp Book 3 and few blue books Exp Book 2 plus random green books for bonus Exp Book 1
  • It is random and unstable amount of books popped out on every different quest sets and is not FIXED as it should be.
  • Player can hold up to 999 books of each type. When the limit is reached, those books attained after the limit will be lost.


Experience Books Exp Book 1 Exp Book 2 Exp Book 3 can be bought in Warehouse with Merits Merit.png. They appear in 2 types of items:

Tomes TomeI TomeII TomeIII
EXP packs EXP PackI EXP PackII EXP PackIII

Team Dungeons

Experience Books Exp Book 1 Exp Book 2 Exp Book 3 can also be obtained as reward items through Team Dungeons by opening  different Chest Rewards. Each chest gives random amunt of reward items 
MesaChest Mesa Chest
Rare MesaChest Rare Mesa Chest
Mythic MesaChest Mythic Mesa Chest


x = Next Hero Level
Next Hero Level Exp to Level up
2-40 10(x-1)
41-45 400 + 30(x-41)
46-50 550 + 50(x-46)
51-60 800 + 100(x-51)
61-65 2,000 + 300(x-61)
66-80 3,500 + 500(x-66)
81-90 11,500 + 1,000(x-81)
91-100 22,500 + 2,000(x-91)
101-120 45,500 + 5,000(x-101)
121-140 155,500 + 10,000(x-121)
141-145 365,500 + 20,000(x-141)
146-150 495,500 + 50,000(x-146)
151-160 775,500 + 80,000(x-151)
161-170 1,595,500 + 100,000(x-161)
171-180 2,645,500 + 150,000(x-171)
Hero Level Exp to Level up Total Exp gained
1 10 0
2 20 10
3 30 30
4 40 60
5 50 100
6 60 150
7 70 210
8 80 280
9 90 360
10 100 450
11 110 550
12 120 660
13 130 780
14 140 910
15 150 1050
16 160 1200
17 170 1360
18 180 1530
19 190 1710
20 200 1900
21 210 2100
22 220 2310
23 230 2530
24 240 2760
25 250 3000
26 260 3250
27 270 3510
28 280 3780
29 290 4060
30 300 4350
31 310 4650
32 320 4960
33 330 5280
34 340 5610
35 350 5950
36 360 6300
37 370 6660
38 380 7030
39 390 7410
40 400 7800
41 430 8200
42 460 8630
43 490 9090
44 520 9580
45 550 10100
46 600 10650
47 650 11250
48 700 11900
49 750 12600
50 800 13350
51 900 14150
52 1000 15050
53 1100 16050
54 1200 17150
55 1300 18350
56 1400 19650
57 1500 21050
58 1600 22550
59 1700 24150
60 2000 25850
61 2300 27850
62 2600 30150
63 2900 32750
64 3200 35650
65 3500 38850
66 4000 42350
67 4500 46350
68 5000 50850
69 5500 55850
70 6000 61350
71 6500 67350
72 7000 73850
73 7500 80850
74 8000 88350
75 8500 96350
76 9000 104850
77 9500 113850
78 10000 123350
79 10500 133350
80 11500 143850
81 12500 155350
82 13500 167850
83 14500 181350
84 15500 195850
85 16500 211350
86 17500 227850
87 18500 245350
88 19500 263850
89 20500 283350
90 22500 303850
91 24500 326350
92 26500 350850
93 28500 377350
94 30500 405850
95 32500 436350
96 34500 468850
97 36500 503350
98 38500 539850
99 40500 578350
100 45500 618850
101 50500 664350
102 55500 714850
103 60500 770350
104 65500 830850
105 70500 896350
106 75500 966850
107 80500 1042350
108 85500 1122850
109 90500 1208350
110 95500 1298850
111 100500 1394350
112 105500 1494850
113 110500 1600350
114 115500 1710850
115 120500 1826350
116 125500 1946850
117 130500 2072350
118 135500 2202850
119 140500 2338350
120 155500 2478850
121 165500 2634350
122 175500 2799850
123 185500 2975350
124 195500 3160850
125 205500 3356350
126 215500 3561850
127 225500 3777350
128 235500 4002850
129 245500 4238350
130 255500 4483850
131 265500 4739350
132 275500 5004850
133 285500 5280350
134 295500 5565850
135 305500 5861350
136 315500 6166850
137 325500 6482350
138 335500 6807850
139 345500 7143350
140 365500 7488850
141 385500 7854350
142 405500 8239850
143 425500 8645350
144 445500 9070850
145 495500 9516350
146 545500 10011850
147 595500 10557350
148 645500 11152850
149 695500 11798350
150 775500 12493850
151 855500 13269350
152 935500 14124850
153 1015500 15060350
154 1095500 16075850
155 1175500 17171350
156 1255500 18346850
157 1335500 19602350
158 1415500 20937850
159 1495500 22353350
160 1595500 23848850
161 1695500 25444350
162 1795500 27139850
163 1895500 28935350
164 1995500 30830850
165 2095500 32826350
166 2195500 34921850
167 2295500 37117350
168 2395500 39412850
169 2495500 41808350
170 2645500 44303850
171 2795500 46949350
172 2945500 49744850
173 3095500 52690350
174 3245500 55785850
175 3395500 59031350
176 3545500 62426850
177 3695500 65972350
178 3845500 69667850
179 3995500 73513350
180 Max 77508850
Heroes Experience for Leveling Requirements
Star comparison for experience required to level up heroe


Only destroying buildings gives experience. The experience received for 100% success on a dungeon is the sum of all building hit points, plus 1000, divided by 200.  Walls do not give experience.  All displayed numbers are rounded down.
For example, the very first dungeon has 4 buildings with a total of 13000 HP, and gives 70 XP on 100% success. (13000+1000)/200 = 70. The next dungeon has a total of 18200 building HP for (18200+1000)/200 = 96 XP on 100% success.
A building that is damaged but not destroyed may give partial resources but does not give experience.  Destroying the first building gives 1000 extra hp which is 5 extra xp.  For example, destroying only the town hall in the first dungeon gives 39% completion and 27 xp, which are (4500+1000)/(13000+1000) and (4500+1000)/200 respectively.


Only random, sword-in-map raids give experience.  Raids use the same experience formula as dungeons.  Random raid opponents are chosen based on might, not total building hit points, so there can be a wide range in rewarded experience between opponents.  When raiding for experience, look for high level town hall, guild, altar, army camps and towers.
A fully upgraded town would be worth 9505 experience, of which 4500 is from resource buildings.  A bare minimum 6 hero town, with no towers, relic hall or guild, would be worth 2900 experience.  A more typicial 6 hero town, with 4 level 8 arrow towers and level 16 altar and halls, would be worth 4767 experience.  These numbers do not include the 5 bonus experience for first building destroyed.
